Monday, December 13, 2010

14 months of training - Finally Over!

I finally finished my program at Art Institute of Pittsburgh - Online Division. The program was really excellent and this was my final term. It's not bittersweet as many would say when moving on to a new portion of life.  There was nothing really all that sweet about the following:

1) Three all-nighters - started doing homework at 7:00pm, worked all night, then went to "work" at The Ink Well, then came home, then did homework until 10-11pm, then finally went to sleep.

2) I was told when I started school that I should expect to do 10-15 hours per week in homework. When you figure that out, you're only talking about 2-3 hours a night...  Personally, there were many weeks where I had 5-7 hours a night!

3) Work a 40 hour a week job, then go to school for 35-60 hours.  That leaves a total of no more then 12 hours a day to spend time with family and sleep.  What suffered was sleep.

4) Getting on average 5 hours of sleep a night for 14 months.

5) Never watching TV, movies or playing video games. I know, not essentials, but it is nice to relax and have fun on occasion!

6) Family vacations inevitably fell during times when I had 24 hours of homework due and of course I can't bring a desktop computer, two monitors, keyboard mouse and all peripherals needed, plus 100 miles of extension cord to the camping trip.

Well, I finally get my life back!

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