This site has been a work in progress for me. It was originally created as a full-flash site. The site was designed by me to be a three-dimensional, interactive experience showing the photos of Rob, an associate of mine. The original design showcased three tabs and looked essentially the same as it does now, but when you clicked a new tab (side), the top tab would slide out of the frame to the right and move down below the bottom tab. This looked really neat, but caused a few problems from a usability standpoint... What if you wanted to go from Gallery to Contact directly? Would the top tab, then the next tab need to move? Are the tabs fully independent and allowed to move in such a way that you never have to see two tabs move prior to seeing the information you want?
I have been revising the site slowly over the last few weeks. First, the photographer revised the copy that I originally wrote. Then, he added several photos and removed a few. He also wanted to more closely integrate his social networking information with the site, so wanted me to add the "Like" button. I had the footer originally embedded in the Flash movie, but found that having it fall below the Flash movie worked much better. I still have a bit of a problem with a long loading time for the movie and would like to add some sort of a loader animation to make that wait time less excruciating.
Check out the site at
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